another batch dropping soon

  • Post published:January 18, 2022
  • Post comments:8 Comments

1 hour and ten thousand papercuts later

Two 5 liter jugs of isopropyl alcohol, cherry tomatoes, two CR2 batteries, a pile of SQ1, a electric screw driver power supply and a pumpkin

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Aaliyah

    Hiya! Do we need to email to pre-order/ get notified of their release? Also is there an estimated price? 🙂

  2. Matelli

    Hey Han!

    I just got on your waiting list and wanted to see how long your wait list is, because I’m super excited about getting one of these bad boys.

    1. Han

      I’ll try to ship within a month!

  3. Matelli Graves

    Hey Han,

    Hope all is well, I just signed up for the waiting list, do we get a confirmation once we’re on the top of the list or should we just keep looking for a PayPal email with the invoice attached?

    1. Han

      I’ll send you an email telling you your zinstax is ready!

  4. Stewart

    Hi Han! I found your Instax back through Willem’s channel! I was wondering if you can modify this to work with a Hasselblad 500c/m or if it only works with Mamiya’s? Thank you so much and looking forward to hearing back from you!

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